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Qualifying Projects to the HCIS and GAMI Requirements

and Obtaining its Operational Certificates

As a leading security consulting firm, certified and qualified by the Saudi Arabia High Commission for Industrial Security (HCIS), we obtain its approval and operational certificates for all types and kinds of industrial projects and military projects supervised by (GAMI). We qualified the projects by conducting the following mandatory four Stages:

Stage One: Risk Security Assessment (RSA)

The deliverables are:

           *Security Risk Assessment Report.

           *Conceptional Design (COD) with attached relevant drawings.

           *Concept for Security Organization, Policy & Procedures Manual, and Training Plan development.

The (RSA) report identifies critical assets, threats, risks, and vulnerabilities. The concept of Design (COD) defines the physical security elements and components and their installation with relevant drawings. The security organization contains policies, procedures, and training plans.

Stage Two: Preliminary Design (PD)

The deliverables are:

           *Design Criteria Section.

           *Physical Security Infrastructure PSI.

           *System Design Document SDD.

           *Scope of Work SOW.

           *Equipment Identification Schedule.

           *Waiver Requests Section.

           *Schematic and geographic drawings.

The PD provides adequate details of the security system, the human interface, and the procedures, including the equipment identification schedule and the security contractor's scope of work (SOW).

Stage Three: Detail Design

The deliverables of this stage will be:

           *Stamping and certification of the complete Stage Three design package.

           *Stage Three Design review.

           *Design compliance audit report.

Stage Four: Operational Readiness

           *Security Compliance Certification (SCC).

           *Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Report.

Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Management 

Our consulting services enhance safety and utilization rates and improve operating availability. We assist in shaping concepts of nuclear power plants and radioactive waste treatment centers to develop robust business cases. Our expertise covers all aspects of nuclear and radioactive assets, including security, safety, technical solutions, and economics.

Designing and Reviewing Security Detailed Designs, Plans, and Standing Orders

We study and analyze all the factors affecting the security situation and design security plans with accuracy and responsibility to ensure full protection of sites in harmonyز with the nature of the threats that projects and facilities face. This includes Security Risk Assessments, Gap Analyses, Security Strategies, Policies, and Procedure Manuals.

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